What's with the ads?
I feel like a hypocrite, going against my beliefs regarding the issue of shoving ads down readers' throats. However, hear me out on this one, as there is a reason (or perhaps, a couple of reasons) why I chose to insert that little ad you see at the top right of the screen there.
Firstly, I am personally a bit absent-minded. In addition to that, I know that a lot of people out there are. Sometimes, I see things that trigger my memory and I remember to buy that carton of milk that I needed so badly. Google's Adsense works so that the ads displayed are relevant to the content that I have on my site. So, chances are, if I talk about Damien Rice and an ad for Damien's CD appears, someone might click it and help both the artist continue making records and the reader obtain their own copy of beautifully composed music. Ads can be the right-hand man of large conglomerates wanting to take money from your pockets, or they can be a simple tool for young, aspiring artists to generate a means of revenue for themselves to keep producing music.
Secondly, I personally need a means of supporting what I do. As a university student and one whom the government does not take kindly to when it comes to student loans. I understand that the ads do not generate nearly enough money to even pay for even half a school year's meals, every little bit helps.
So I am terribly sorry for the ads, but that's just the way things are. I guess that's just life, eh? Sometimes things can be changed, sometimes things cannot. Some things are meant to be, and some are not. No matter what happens, though, the most important thing is to stay true to ourselves and be the best that we can be because in the end, it's all about what you think about yourself and the vibes that you generate due to your nature, whether it be a positive or a negative one.
Firstly, I am personally a bit absent-minded. In addition to that, I know that a lot of people out there are. Sometimes, I see things that trigger my memory and I remember to buy that carton of milk that I needed so badly. Google's Adsense works so that the ads displayed are relevant to the content that I have on my site. So, chances are, if I talk about Damien Rice and an ad for Damien's CD appears, someone might click it and help both the artist continue making records and the reader obtain their own copy of beautifully composed music. Ads can be the right-hand man of large conglomerates wanting to take money from your pockets, or they can be a simple tool for young, aspiring artists to generate a means of revenue for themselves to keep producing music.
Secondly, I personally need a means of supporting what I do. As a university student and one whom the government does not take kindly to when it comes to student loans. I understand that the ads do not generate nearly enough money to even pay for even half a school year's meals, every little bit helps.
So I am terribly sorry for the ads, but that's just the way things are. I guess that's just life, eh? Sometimes things can be changed, sometimes things cannot. Some things are meant to be, and some are not. No matter what happens, though, the most important thing is to stay true to ourselves and be the best that we can be because in the end, it's all about what you think about yourself and the vibes that you generate due to your nature, whether it be a positive or a negative one.